Sunday, April 26, 2009


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by jay4u169 Great Ride nothing else to say no crashs and all the bikes ran great.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

riding with the kids

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by jay4u169 Me and Jessica went for a ride to see Dan's game. I never really take the kids out on the bike so it was kinda cool to have her on the back. Then after me and Dan went to visit Nanny/Mom.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weekend Fun

Dylan came down and we had some fun. Went riding on Friday after work. Dan's bike broke down so we just kind of chilled the rest of the weekend. There's some pictures here from the weekend before also. Check out me and Dan's cool garbage find a few month ago (Bike built for two)Click on the title for more pictures

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mom's 75th birthday party

Had a 75th Surprise Birthday for my Mom. Everything went well and a good time was had by all. Check out all the picture in the link. I wish I would of got some pictures of Mom and all the grand kids. Crap a great picture opportunity missed Scott even reminded me and I forgot (O-Well)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dirt Ride

Totally Dominated Rod in the woods today. Serious, we had a good ride and I was so tired I had to go home and take a nap. Ok I passed him once and that's good enough for me to talk shit to him for a year. Ow sorry Dude did you get splashed. I thought I would be far enough a head of you so you wouldn't get wet when I PASSED YOU. I PASSED YOU, I PASSED YOU

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dirt ride

Went for a dirt ride Sunday spent half the day running into trees. But hell it was better then yard work. Me and Dan where the first ones into the pit. As soon as I hit the soft sand I dump it I thought I heard Dan laughing as me I look up and there goes Dan down for the count. We should of packed it up right then and there based on how bad we rode the rest of the day and from hearing Mat and Danny tell the story of Mat taking a fall around a puddle when his chain locked up he should of went back to the house with us to play GO FISH. Pictures on the Title link

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Newiest Addition

check out the new puppies Bonnie and Clyde

After work Ride

Ater Work ride was fun. Joe showed us the little road that was real cool to ride in South Jersey. You can always count on him knowing a cool road. Hey check out the title it's a link. This blog thing is cool and I'm figuring it out. Hey did I mention Joe needed Gas before we went riding.