Me and Matt decided to run the NEBDR in September of 2022 around a year earlier in 2021. So we had a year to prepare the bikes my CRF250L and Matts DRZ400S both about 10 years old. With a year to plan you can buy way too much stuff and spend way too much money. Despite that no where in this log will there be a breakdown report. So we must have done something right with the bikes.
We decided to leave at 8 am so there I sat waiting for Matt to get to my house. A quick stop at the South Toms River WAWA and we were off by 10:15. Our trip to Hancock, NY was not too bad we rode on the Tarmac all the way there. We stopped just a few times for some food and some road side America. Jadwin Dam
After we got to Hancock, NY we checked in at the
Upper Delaware Inn then rode the bikes across the border into PA to
Micbrees Crosstown Tavern . I knew I was at a Tavern of my liking when they served Bud in cans. The hotel was very nice and the only place we booked a head of time. We were unsure how many miles that we would complete in a day. We actually thought we would be doing each section easily and would be deep into the next section. We over estimated our daily miles. (
our day one route
We were on the road at 8:30 the off road section started right away as we rode along the West branch of the Delaware river.
We somehow felt we belonged here |
Our breakfast stop was at around 9:30 am so we were not on the road very long before hunger set in
We had a great breakfast and hung around way too long chatting with the two women in the
breakfast joint. It rained for most of the day not pouring rain but enough to get you wet if you weren't wearing proper gear. The trip was still fun as hell and we were having a blast.
One of us shitting in the woods
Our first evening of trying to find a place to lay our heads and it sure didn't turn out too good. We first made our way to The
Andes Hotel it had a really nice bar that was kind of empty so my hopes for a vacant room increased. When they told me there were no Vacancies I has disappointed. It was about 4pm and nothing would have been nicer than to dry out in this swanky hotel and this nice bar. I remember asking if there was another hotel in the area and this is where I got the idea for the black widow hotel.I should have known something was wrong when I called and I wasn't talking to the hotel but someone that was hired to answer the phones. When we paid and pulled up to the place there was no one there, Not even a lobby person
Matt started counting the spider webs along the corridor it was easy to accomplish as we were the only ones staying at the black widow inn as Matt was calling it.
We rode directly out to dinner located in Margaretteville I can't remember what I had to eat I know it wasn't Salmon
Matt is the only one that smokes cigarettes and drinks bourbon than orders salmon.
After we got back to the hotel I realized how wet we were
I`m trying to dry Matts boots
After dinner we were hanging out drinking beers and counting spiders when these two dude roll up on a DRZ650 and one of the new Royal Enfield Himalayan. We chatted a little but not to much they seemed like nice people with cool stories about how they ended up doing the BDR. One of the guys just bought his KLR the other day and headed off with a hard front tire. More on that later. It's kind of funny how me and Matt prepared for a year and this dude prepared for two days but here we both are sleeping at the Black widow inn,
We woke up pretty early and got out of a terrible hotel (Good Riddance Spider hotel) We first ate some of our sorry breakfast provided by the spiders
We had a pretty easy ride for the morning. Some NY state back roads along the Catskill state park nothing great just some nice scenery
We surely didn't seem to be in a hurry and spent a large chunk of the early afternoon talking with the owner of The Village East Cafe & Market
I ordered something normal and again I think Matt ordered Salmon again. My lunch was so good. The owner told us everything about how she gets the ingredients and talked to us about the different coffee in the shop which we ordered and where I found my taste for espresso. We left and I felt great and very confident that this trip is going well and not beyond my riding ability.
We left there and proceeded to ride up some seriously scary up hill down hill section, When we get to the bottom I see some straps hanging down from Matts DRZ
When I tell him he says we have to go back up because his saddle bags are missing. OMG not good all his stuff is in there. DID he find his saddle bags that happen to be the same color as the rocks?
Note the name of the road for history |
OK again I'm amazed.
I think back and this may have been our first of many knarly trail sections.
Disaster avoided so off we went.
So we're heading down the road I see a waterfall and think shit we should go check that out. Yup matt stops and suggests that we should go check out that waterfall we just passed. It's around 3pm and I'm thinking we still have plenty of daylight to enjoy the day. But I don't know where we're staying that night and I wish I did.
We get back on the NEBDR trail and stop to take a break and eat some snacks. It's a little after 4pm and we should of set up camp but we still had many miles to complete section 2 and we thought it best to motor on.
We rode till the end of the section and who is at the gas station but the two guys we left sleeping at the spider hotel. Now remember we had one hell of a time qith some really crazy rough sections and I started jokingly accusing them of skipping the hard sections. It turns out they did indeed do the hard sections and must of passed us while we were looking at waterfalls.
Together as a team of 4 we set out to find a hotel. We settled on a place
Peloke's Hotel
There Matt proceeded to change the one guys front tire. We stayed up way too late drinking and watching Matt do his magic.
Day 3
Ok so we awake pretty late but we were drinking kind of late I think we got rolling around 10. There was no movement from our new friend room so off we went. It was not too tough until it started to get dark in the cover of the tree and it started to pour. So with much persuasion I managed to talk Matt of skipping a section and heading to our place of rest this night.
The place we had to rest our heads at this night was Tony and Claudia house that they rented for a few days. Matt was to skip a section only if I promised to go back and hit tomorrow morning.