Thursday, May 27, 2010

Clifford PA NEOC Race

Good racing up in Pennsylvania this weekend we went to round 5 of the NEOC in Clifford PA. All the boys raced except me of course. Danny raced first and did quite well but in the pits he commented how tough the race was. I can't ever remember him saying that about a race. I knew then Mat and Kenny where in for a thrilla in manila. Rod on the other hand was a old salt and would surely do well.

Off Matt and Kenny go. Kenny was in a small lead at the start but over a jump in the first table top Matt comes sailing along side. Front wheel to high in the air. I'm thinking this dude is gonna kill himself out there. Matt comes around to the pits looking beat up. Later Kenny come through announcing he has had enough and bows out. Rod comes through looking like he's out for a Sunday trail ride. Me and Dan made a video of the race check it out HERE

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Riding with Grasshopper

Dan and I took James out riding this week it was a lot of fun and he did great.We went to Ronnie and Spunky's house out in Jackson. We put him on the XR80 it was his first time using a clutch and it was easy going after the first stall. The picture on the top of the page says it all about how much fun it was having James around. He still thinks your just being nice when you stop and wait for him. Even if your back tire is pointing a sloppy mud puddle in his direction. Check out the slide show Danny did great on the jumps.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Snow Race

Dan raced up North (By Binghamton) it snowed all night. Rod went up with us but did not race something about his bike being afraid of the snow. Pictures

Monday, May 3, 2010

Out Riding Again

Went out riding this weekend twice. I was trying to hang home and do some chores but Mat called and wanted to go out on Saturday.  I had the Husky apart to put the duel sport kit on so I took out the YZ but I was wishing I had the husky because I was getting my ass kicked out there. So Sunday rolls around and I think I'm ready. (Well kind of ready) Mat had me up drinking a few beers the night before. ( I bet he kept me up on purpose). The Husky is running great and Rod and Dan are there also.(In my mind I'm going to rip up the ground so bad it's going to put the earth on a new axis. Well it was not to be I rode like crap and got eaten up all day long by the two young boys. At least Rod was having a little trouble with his bike and was having a little mercy on my ass and waited up for me on numerous occasions. Shit maybe I should take up a older mans pass time. Na There's always next weekend. Got a couple of shots of Mat trying to run me over. Check them out here