Sunday rolls around and off we go at 7am always to early for most of the people attending the race but hey, if something happens we have enough time. We meet up with Matt because he likes to convoy to the race in case something happens we have support in numbers. All is good we are early and both driving uneventfully to the race.
Sputter sputter click clank clunk. My truck dies just a mere 10 miles from the race. So against my better judgement we strap a tiedown from Matts truck to my truck and we’re going to pull my vehicle to the race. We’ll race, Dan will race then we’ll figure out a game plan after we RACE declares, Matt,.
So off to the races we go at a brisk flasher blinking 20 miles a hour. Across rail road tracks thru stop signs, left handed turns across on coming traffic. It was a get to the race or die trying attitude.
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Rod got 3RD |
All is well I’m lined up at the race waiting to take off till I hear the voice stating in a raspy piney twang, Dude, “Your motor mount bolt is about to fall out” . My god is this a sign that I shouldn’t take part in todays event. Hell no there is no way after the white knuckle tow endeavor am I going to let this missing bolt stop me. Off the line I pull out on a mission to find a bolt and tighten that baby down. I find a nut that fits from one of the people selling supplies on the race grounds. He puts it on and proceeds to break the bolt. OK do we chance the race with no engine mount bolt. That would just be stupid to ride now. What the hell am I suppose to do tell Matt after he towed me to the race that I didn’t race when there was two out of three perfectly good bolts holding the engine to the frame. Hell no this is really turning into a fly by the seam of your pants type of day.
After the race we all head back to the truck with the usual stories and tales of "if I only didn’t fall" "if I only didn’t crash" "if I only weeved when I woobled I would be a star today". So I’m off to be the pit guy for Danny’s race while the other loose nuts go about determining the cause and expence of my limp truck predicament. It turns out the fuel pump has gone south and a new one is required. Well this envolves dropping the gas tank because this is where the car manufactures deemed it best to put a replaceable part such as a pump. As I explain to Matt the pros and cons of dropping the gas tank in the parking lot and the fact that I’ll just have the vehicle towed and repaired like normal two income white people do. He assures me this decision is indeed the correct one while we’s on his way to the parts store to buy a new one and replace the dam thing in the parking lot. . So it’s 6:30 pm hell there’s still people loading up bikes on their trailors and we’re off with a new fuel pump replaced in the parking lot of some lonely places dipped Coyota track race 5 of the 2011 NEOC season. My hat goes off to these fine people I am proud to call friends and race buddies. Matt, Joe Kline, Rod, and Ronnie Bopp and Spunky were there until we all left together.
I’m truly lucky to have such great friend.