Monday, April 25, 2016

YANKEES 4/23/2016C

       Went to the Yankees game Saturday and was able to witness a walk off home run for a Yankee win. . It was a cool day it was Dan,James,Mason and Myself the whole day was fun we even got lost and went thru a small section of the bronx. Sunday I woke up early did some painting on the deck and watched Mason's baseball game then went to seaside. Where we met up with Jessica and kicked around the boardwalk for a while. Boy you sure can get a lot done in one day. Paint, Motorcycle shop, baseball game, Boardwalk, then to top it off went to favorites the OTB and bet on the ponies and had a sandwich. Hell no wonder I'm tired today
Climbed up to the nose bleeds seats

Jessica playing with Nick

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sable 4/21/2016

      This might be my first post about Sable my gigantic dog I got from Shannon my niece.  She was having twins about a year ago and asked if I would like to have Sable because she might not be able to give Sable the attention she needs. I said yes and I can't express how much I adore this dog. She truly is one of my favorites. Well being so big she needs to be walked as often as you can and I find myself not peddling or dirt bike riding much after work because I just love taking her and my little babies ( Mr. Cyle and Bonnie) out for a walks. So this is one of my walks in the woods with Mason from yesterday and other walks I have taken with Jessica from some earlier walks and Sherrie and Nick as well

even combined some bicycle in the mix but the little can't come when I do that

Thursday, April 21, 2016

DATE night 4/20/2016

 So once we found a place to park we heard there was a nice place to eat called the Dublin house in Red Bank, NJ " Hey Baby I found it" great luck huh? Then we went to see Alton Brown
It was a fun night I love my wife

Monday, April 18, 2016

Did a race last weekend with Dan. 4/10/2016

I should point out I didn't race Dan did. I was cool to load up and go racing with my son.
Sherrie and Cynthia (Dan's Girl friend) Met us there.
He got 8th place but was stoked and had a blast racing after not doing it for 2 to 3 years



Robert Willlis
 Some of our riding buddies also raced Kenny Tishe, Goat( Nick Golkiewics)and Robert Willis and the great Rod Irwin seen below
Rod Irwin

LET me just get caught up in no piticular order order

Been spending a lot of my spare time walking in the sands. I think it's because we got Sable now.
I enjoy taking my dog friends out but sometimes I miss just going for so many bicycle rides or motorcycle rides that I use to do in the past.
Easter was again was spent at the New Jersey Board walk at Seaside Heights NJ
And it was by Birthday 51 

 Been working in the garage a lot lately. It's almost done trying to get some organization in my life. The insane clutter is just to much for me. I bought this shed and had it delivered a few months ago