Some Times when all the moons and stars line up someone's is in the right place at Dan's wrong time.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Some Times when all the moons and stars line up someone's is in the right place at Dan's wrong time.
Friday, March 27, 2009
After work ride

Went for a cruz after work with Rod and Tony. Me and Tony must of been doing a buck forty down this road. We where hauling ass for miles on end then we get to a cross street we cross the road like civilized people and start slowly going up the road. Then here comes a tropper over the hill and we are doing way below the speed limit. Some people think the motorcycle gods don't exsist I beg do differ
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tony out of gas

Well, Well, Well, Guess who ran out of gas on our little ride today and I mean little we where like 24 miles into the trip when said rider sputtered and stuttered and drifted to the side of the road. OK here's how it went down, I'm not going to mention any names because I don't want you real riders given Tony Vasta a hard time about this. OK the unnamed rider and me where having a after work cruz. We switched bikes because he has this new Ducati and I wanted to check it out. OH no Tony I hope that comment about the new Ducati doesn't give away your identity. So after my total flogging of the new Ducati with some buck thirty passes I give the bike back to Tony (OOPS)and he states," That he has 5 miles till empty". Wow the bike tells you how many miles left till empty kind of takes the idiot light to a whole new level. So like I said we sputter then stutter to the side of the road at which time I go into the woods looking for something that will hold gas Tony on the other hand gets on his cell phone trying to pretend that he's loved by someone. Yea I bet it's the same someone who didn't answer. So I get the soda can and explain that we are going to take out of mine and put in to his. The questions arise about the cleanliness of said can. I assure him that it's clean but he inspects by looking and sniffing the can thoroughly. I tell him that wasn't necessary because I just pissed in it to flush out any lurking foreign objects. Tony questions my octane level we laugh and minutes later we are on our way. Sorry no pictures but hey who knew so much fun would be had.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Party or Ride?
I Went riding Sunday with Mat. Dan didn't want to go,Why? Look at the Pictures Jessica had a bunch of her friends over for her Birthday and for some reason he didn't want to go riding. Huh wonder why? O yea I kicked mat's ass. Ok I beat him by a bike lenth the first loop and let's just say he did a complete top end rebuild by the time I finished the second loop.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Dirt Biking

I'm Sore today because of the ride we did yesterday. It was fun as usual, no break downs and no injuries. This is a recipe most of the time for a fun riding day. I had some arrows to put up along the trail but they are to much work and are hard to see. I put them up so people who don't know the route can follow it and we can have more of a fast pace with out waiting for people but, like I said it's to much work and hell we're just friends out there it not a enduro or anything like that. It was a quick pace and I'm feeling sore for it today. Check out the video of Keith. The State dug a trench in the sands to stop people from going in there and Keith rides Right threw it.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Took Dan to raceway park to race the motocross track for his first motocross race ever. Wow do them little kids kick butt. He finished 20th out of 24. This is a whole new level of off road racing and it was fun as hell. He did good on the second Moto and was doing some real (what looked like fun) racing with a crowd of other racers. Hey like me and Tony say, "Any day of riding that don't end with a helicopter ride is a good day"
Since, I was broke as hell from the races on Saturday we did cheap things on Sunday. So Jessica Danny and I took Mason to the park to play. Then we dropped Mason off and took Heidi the troubled Dog for a walk in the woods. We had so much fun playing in a ditch in the woods. Take a look at the pictures.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Matt street
Took a little cruz with Mat after work. It's funny I was sitting at work thinking, who should I call to see if they want to take a ride after work. Then I say to myself, "Jay you got some things you need to take care of at home". So, I head home like a good boy BUUUUUUT I see Mat on my way home ( He live 2 houses down ) He asks me if I want to take a ride after I get some food. I guess I looked hungry. Of course I say, "hell yea I been thinking of riding all day" I guess I can do those chores tomorrow.PICTURES
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Dan is flying
We went riding Saturday and met some cool people that maybe can show us the ropes a little about racing motocross at raceway park this year. Dan is going to give motorcross a shot instead of the harescrambles this year. He's way excited and it should be fun check out this pic and Check out the rest of the pictures located for your viewing pleasure on photobucket) he he he I'm having fun with this blog thing
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