Saturday, March 14, 2009


Took Dan to raceway park to race the motocross track for his first motocross race ever. Wow do them little kids kick butt. He finished 20th out of 24. This is a whole new level of off road racing and it was fun as hell. He did good on the second Moto and was doing some real (what looked like fun) racing with a crowd of other racers. Hey like me and Tony say, "Any day of riding that don't end with a helicopter ride is a good day"
Since, I was broke as hell from the races on Saturday we did cheap things on Sunday. So Jessica Danny and I took Mason to the park to play. Then we dropped Mason off and took Heidi the troubled Dog for a walk in the woods. We had so much fun playing in a ditch in the woods. Take a look at the pictures.

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