The rest of the week was as the local hilly billy's would say (In my best southern draw) Ya boys ar lucky yall came down here this week it shaw is a perrty around these here parts wit de sun shining so.
We drove some great twisty roads and some cool back roads. Visited some neat places Blackwater was a nice state park where a cool water fall is located but mostly we where there to ride the roads. The place is really cool with switchbacks. Below is just one roads we rode while down there.
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The trip was a sucsess to say the least. Ow yea I almost forgot to tell you where we stayed the place is called Yokums vacation land I really had no problem but Tony is starting to be a prima donna Yea, it appears he needs water presure (Real men don't need water) .Ow yea and the trucks seemed to bother him also. Classy joint I tell ya. Me and Tony took a crap load of pictures here. The youtube video is here
That waterfall place is great! Nice trip there boss!